Every parent want their child to be discipline. But its something that takes time and patience.
Given below are some ways to help your child learn acceptable behavior as they grow -
1. Have your own Rules and limits - Your family should have your own rules and limitations which should be followed not only by children but also by all the members because children
learn from their parents. You should have clear and consistent rules make sure you explain them at an appropriate age so that they follow them for their lifetime.
2. Learning from mistakes - It is rightly said that one can be successful if he learns from other's mistakes. Teach your children right from wrong. Show and explain them how they can learn from mistakes.
3. Learn to hear them out - The most common mistake that the parents do is they don't listen to their child. Let him finish with his side of the story before you begin with yours. Listening is important.
4. Give attention - Its human nature, we love getting attention. And for a child its very essential. Attention is the most powerful tool for effective discipline.
5. Praise your child - We like to be praised. Don't We? Notice your children's good behavior and good tries. Appreciate them for being good. But it dosen't mean just praise them. Point out when they do something wrong. Tell them what is wrong.
6. Stop physical punishments - Punishing your child physically may leave measurable marks on the brain and body. Children who are spanked show higher level of hormones lied to toxic stress. One study found that young adults who are spanked repeatedly perform lower on IQ tests as compared to others.
7. The misbehave - When you observe a change in your child's behavior, don't ignore it, dig in to find the reason. Talk to them, maybe something or someone is troubling them. They need you not as a parent but as their friend.
8. Money saving - Pocket money is a must but upto a certain limit. Give them pocket money and tell them to save something out of it and the money saved will be donated to old age home and orphanage. Teach them to be a good human being before being a successful person.
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